Horsecart Deliveries
On the first Friday of the month (weather permitting), we go back in
time, and deliver beer by horse cart to Forresters Arms and Barristers
Pub & Grill . The horsecart is pulled by two beautiful Percheron horses,
a breed of draft horse specifically bred to be work horses – each horse
can pull up to 4 tones! The horsecart leaves the brewery at 12h30.
Newlands Spring Brewing Co. Set in what was the heart of the original brewery, is our specialty small-batch Brewery - Newlands Spring Brewing Co. This 20HL brewery currently brews 3 variants: Mountain Weiss – a traditional Bavarian Weiss Beer, Jacobs Pale Ale – an English styled Ale, based on a 155 year old recipe found in our Archives and Passionate Blond – Belgium styled ale brewed with the much sought after Southern Passion Hop